We are please to announce that our new 12 Hour Crop Candle Bougie has 12.5% more wax to ensure that 12 Hour Burn our Vineyards are needing. With our new formula of 100% Natural Vegetable Wax our burn time in Sub Zero temperatures will secure 3 frosts lasting 4 hours per frost.

We have placed the anti-freeze candle formula in a larger can so that the wick is not drowned thus making them difficult to ignite, which, from feedback from our Vineyard managers is a problem with our competitors candles.

Our 6 Litre can is galvanized metal and has a 3-5 year shelf life.
We are taking orders now for our 12 Hour frost prevention candles for delivery in January. We will not be holding stock so place your orders now for pre spring 2022 delivery.

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